About Us

Order online thousands of products at lowest prices from hundreds of local stores.

svindo is a hyper-local e-commerce platform. Local shops can register with us and sell their products on svindo. On registration local shops.

  1. Will get a seller page on svindo app where seller can add their products to showcase tothe users.
  2. Can take online order through our app.
  3. Can get their order delivered by our delivery partner to their customers.

Local stores can join us with

  • Zero registration charges
  • Zero hidden charges
  • Zero maintenance cost

svindo charges a small commission on the order amount. For clear understanding of charges whats-app us on 8377935333 or mail us at svindoindia@gmail.com

Our aim is – “To make Online Shopping Vocal for Local stores”. We aim to develop amedium which can give every local seller the power to sell online at the same time makingtheir Identity increase in both online and offline markets.

We commenced our services from December 2022 in tier 2 city of Kurnool, A.P. Now weoperate in Hyderabad, Telangana. Our ambition is to grow all over India in few years.

"svindo" is owned & managed by "Kishenji Vikram Singh / Sole Proprietor”.

For further details of our Proprietor / Founder visit his LinkedIn page

  • Passion for our Dreams : “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it;think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of yourbody be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way tosuccess, and this is the way great spiritual giants are produced.” -Swami Vivekananda
  • Respect : To all people/companies and their identity, to listen, appreciate and recognise them.
  • Integrity : To be honest to our customers, ethical and fair in our business practices.
  • Sustainability : To build a successful organisation while keeping a balance between companies’ growth and environmental sustainability.
  • Customer Experience : To keep the customer satisfaction at the centre of our organisation goals and work on every customer suggestion to grow our company into a better version of it every moment.

For media inquiries, write to us at vikram@svindo.com

For all other inquiries, please contact us at svindo.info@gmail.com

Experience our app by downloading it from both the Play Store for Android users and the App Store for iOS users to enjoy a seamless and versatile user experience.

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